Dedicated to Serving Kansas
We are committed to building healthier communities across Kansas in partnership with the State of Kansas, providers, community leaders, and our members. Together, we can create equitable, community-centric solutions that drive improved quality and health outcomes.
In support of our mission, we’re focused on:
Delivering high-quality, value-based care
Removing barriers to care
Building community-based partnerships
Advancing health equity for all Kansans
Our team is deeply embedded in the communities we serve. Our experience living and working in Kansas informs how we serve our members. We maintain a culture of quality that lowers cost, maximizes value, and increases member and provider satisfaction. We collaborate to create partnerships that promote access to care, reduce health disparities, and advance population health. Social and economic factors have a profound impact on health. Therefore, we look to engage providers and community partners to uncover and address local community needs that impact social determinants of health.

Personalized Support Connects Members to Healthy Activities
At UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of Kansas, our team proactively ensures members have access to healthy activities in their community. The Healthy Activity benefit program offers $50 per year for members to access healthy activities. The program was initially developed to help kids build healthy habits and later expanded to serve all members – kids and adults.
Many members used this benefit to access local non-profit gyms geared toward kids, but others sought alternatives or lived in rural areas with few local options. In response, the team thought about creative ways to get even more members active and engaged with their communities.

Increasing Access to Certified Doulas in Kansas
Increasing Access to Certified Doulas in Kansas
UnitedHealthcare is offering scholarships to enable doulas to become registered Medicaid providers. The trainings cover a range of topics that are relevant to the needs and experiences of Medicaid members. This initiative aims to increase workforce capacity and improve access to holistic support and culturally-congruent care for families in Kansas – particularly those of color.

Postpartum Coverage to Be Extended for Pregnant Individuals Enrolled in Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program
Historically, the health risks associated with the period after childbirth were believed to be limited to the six weeks immediately after delivery. In recent years, this view has been challenged and evidence now demonstrates that many conditions impact maternal and infant health outcomes, as well as subsequent pregnancy outcomes, up to one year postpartum.
For example, approximately 33% of pregnancy-related deaths occur between 7 and 365 days postdelivery. With 42% of births covered by Medicaid, individuals who are pregnant and enrolled in Medicaid are disproportionality impacted by these outcomes. Most of these deaths are preventable through high-quality care for cardiac disease and behavioral health conditions such as depression and substance use disorders.

Make your child’s mental health a focus of back-to-school season
“You may think of your child’s annual checkup for things like vaccines, but it’s also a good place to check in on their mental health,” said Dr. Rhonda Randall, chief medical officer at UnitedHealthcare. “Getting advice in a fall visit may help prevent problems later in the school year.”
Dr. Randall says a well-child visit is an opportunity for a conversation with your child’s doctor about any behavioral changes you may have noticed.

Consejos para prevenir el SIDS.
La forma más importante de prevenir el SIDS es colocar siempre a su bebé boca arriba para dormir, para tomar las siestas y en la noche

Tips for preventing SIDS
The most important way to prevent SIDS is to always place your baby on his or her back to sleep, for naps and at night.

Taking charge to QUIT SMOKING
Quitting smoking isn’t easy. But, it’s worth it. Your body will thank you. Your wallet will thank you. Make today the day you quit.

No se arriesgue, vacúnese.
Es importante que todos los niños se vacunen cuando corresponda, desde los bebés hasta los adolescentes.

Your Best Shot.
Immunizations keep kids healthy. It’s important for all children, from babies through teens, to get the right shots at the right time.

Corazón Sano.
Tomar decisiones alimenticias correctas puede ser difícil, pero no tiene que renunciar a todos sus alimentos favoritos de una sola vez. Comience agregando alimentos más sanos a su dieta.

Eating Healthy
Making good food choices can be hard. But you don’t have to give up all your favorite foods at once. Start by adding healthier foods to your diet.

Dientes Sanos
Cuidar bien los dientes y la boca de sus hijos es parte del cuidado de todo su cuerpo. Cepillarse los dientes y usar hilo dental es importante.

Healthy Teeth
Healthy teeth to keep you smiling. Taking good care of your children’s teeth and mouth is part of taking care of their whole body.